Coaching and Development for Creative Businesses
Our Coaching Programmes
Martin has worked in and with major blue chip organisations in senior management roles, as well as successfully running his smaller business. An experienced mentor and manager, and certified organisational coach. For more on Martin's career, click here.
Andrew has over twenty years’ experience helping leaders and their organisations deal with change, complexity and the human factor. He has worked across Oil and Gas, Finance, IT, Legal, Manufacturing, Mining, Creative, Education and Public-Sector organisations throughout Australia, S.E. Asia and the Middle East. For more on Andrew, click here.
Executive Coaching
"Fear" is one of the primal signals sent by your gut when any big decision or change of direction is approaching. But fear is not always bad. Knowing when and how to trust your gut is one of the secrets to success in this time of unpreditcable and fast-moving business environments. Gutthink's executive coaching is built on tried and tested frameworks while incorporating the latest knowledge about how to trust your instincts to make better, faster decisions.
Our one-on-one programmes provide valuable clarity, confidence and commitment around business challenges, opportunities or role change moments, either as an impact intervention, or for longer term performance enhancement support.
All our business coaching programs are delivered by experienced practitioners, Martin Rippon and Andrew Lee.
‘The Gutthink training challenged me in a way I hadn’t experienced before. Achieving a deeper understanding of my thinking and how it affects my decisions and communication has really changed my strategic approach’
Marketing & Insights Manager
Luxury Goods
Leading by Instinct - One-day Programme
If you’ve ever attended meetings where poor-quality thinking, analysis paralysis, ego, fear, or lingering resentments have impaired effectiveness, then this programme is for you.
An ideal ‘one-day primer’ as part of a team off-site planning meeting, this programme will help ensure a good ROI on the following days. We help the team harness the synergies within to make smarter, quicker decisions.
We’ve worked with literally hundreds of executive teams pitching new ideas, facilitating change or developing capability to improve their success. It’s always immediately clear to us which teams have traction, where new ideas are emerging and decisions accelerate. Equally, we can see which teams are spinning their wheels with poor quality thinking (e.g. reactive, low trust, egocentricity or too much data analysis) that inhibits synergy and agility, and need help to get back on track.
Build an understanding of current decision-making both as a team and as individuals using our Gt™ Profiling. From this, examine the strengths and limitations and the impact on speed and innovation
We provide simple tools that enable intuition and instincts to power entrepreneurial activity within the team.
When the fundamentals are in place, when trust is high and when team members shift their focus from the mode of ‘advocating” their point of view to genuinely ‘inquiring’ magic frequently occurs. People open up, breakthrough ideas emerge and decision making accelerates.
Contact Martin Rippon for more details and pricing
“A fascinating couple of days of free thinking and learning not to be so linear in how to approach problems in the workplace. The program was insightful, challenging and one of the best facilitated sessions I have attended in some time. Interesting to see just what the brain can really do if you trust it. I look forward to hearing more about future Gutthink programs.”
Senior Planning Manager
Superannuation Fund
Unbiasing for Creative Businesses - Half day Programme
With global businesses like Google and Starbucks rolling out major programmes to tackle the issues raised by unconscious bias amongst staff, Gutthink Coaching has developed a program specifically for the creative industries.
Tackling the negative consequences of unconscious bias – such as stereotyping or pre-judging people on the basis of their ethnic background or sex, for example – and promoting diversity within teams are seen to deliver better business decision-making and results.
However, creative people rely on their ‘unconscious’ when developing new ideas, and the unpredictable nature of business today which requires quick and agile decision-making for where instincts and decisiveness are key.
Our powerful program is designed to help individuals understand their own ‘unconscious bias’, understanding where this can cause problems, and creating a safe environment for teams to work positively together, avoiding the potentially stifling impacts of ‘political correctness’ or over-analysis of every decision.
Who is this workshop for?
Creative Organisations who need to:
• Adapt or respond to change quickly
• Harness the full potential of their teams
• Avoid potential legal consequences of bullying, harassment and discrimination
• Reduce time-wasting politics
• Make better, faster decisions
• Innovate to remain competitive
This half day workshop will:
• Explain the true nature of Unconscious Bias – and how to minimise the negative effects
• Demonstrate how minor biases can lead to disproportionate results
• Provide tools to help surface them
• Help people gain insight into any limiting mind sets
• Provide proof around the benefits of diversity and diverse thinking styles
• Help make workplace conversations around diversity more open
Contact Martin Rippon for more details and pricing